Jamal Ali Bashir, M.A.

Jamal Al Bashir
Kontakt und Sprechzeiten
Raum: E.33.0
Tel.: (0345) 55-24144
Fax: (0345) 55-27145
Terminabsprachen per E-Mail: jamal.bashir@politik.uni-halle.de
Jamal Ali Bashir is a doctoral candidate in the Political Science department. His research explores the persistence of patronage as a governing principle of the state in Nasirabad, Balochistan, throughout both the colonial and postcolonial periods. His work underscores how land and water have been critical negotiated resources between the state and local elites, with these negotiations reflecting the prevailing governance logics of each era. He investigates the shift to public employment and development funds as newly emergent resources at the village level, examining how these changes manifest under democratic conditions.
Title: A History and Present of Patronage in Constructing the State and Shaping the Electoral Politics in Canal-Irrigated Baluchistan
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Petra Dobner
SoSe 2023
BA Aufbaumodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Sem. 10: Nationalism and Democracy in Pakistan)
Blockseminar: BA Aufbaumodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Sem. 11: Postcolonial Practices and Critical Debates)
WS 2022/2023
BA Basismodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Übung 3)
BA Basismodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Übung 4)
BA Basismodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Übung 5)
BA Basismodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Übung 6)