Dr. Jasper Finkeldey

Dr. Jasper Finkeldey
Kontakt und Sprechzeiten
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Jasper Finkeldey is a Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer in Political Science in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. His interdisciplinary research focuses on environmental politics, social movements, political economy, and conflicts over global resources.
Before joining the Martin Luther University in November 2020, Dr. Finkeldey was an Assistant Professor at Paris-Dauphine University. He holds a PhD from the University of Essex Business School and a MA in Political Theory (with distinction), also from the University of Essex, and BA in Political Science from the University of Hamburg. He has been a visiting scholar at the Centre for Civil Society in Durban and Erasmus lecturer at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Dr. Finkeldey’s research has been funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as well as the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. He is the author of the book “Fighting Global Neo-Extractivism: Fossil-free movements in South Africa”. At Halle-Wittenberg he is also Erasmus coordinator in Political Science. Jasper has also worked outside academia as an editor and journalist focusing on European Union politics. He is always interested in exchanging experiences, i.e. feel free to drop a line if the research attracts your attention.
Third Party Funding
Partner in international research CAPSIDE project on steel industry in comparative perspective with University Paris-Est, University of Lille, University of Sherbrooke, University of Stavanger
2. Arbeitsgebiete und Forschungsinteressen
- Ressourcen-Politik
- Klima-Governance
- Politische Ökologie
- Politische Soziologie
- Soziale Bewegungen
- Staatlichkeit im Wandel
3. Publikationen
3.1 Monographien / Herausgeberschaft
Jasper Finkeldey, Torben Fischer, Hendrik Theine & Katharina Bohnenberger (ed.) (2024): The Politics of Germany’s eco-social transformation, Special Issue: Volume 34, Issue 2 | Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (springer.com) .
Finkeldey, Jasper (2023) "Globale Ressourcenpolitik. Eine Einführung", VS Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42175-5.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2022) „Fighting Global Neo-Extractivism: Fossil-Free Social Movements in South Africa”, Routledge Series on Social Movements, Protests and Culture. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003110835 .
Einzelne Kapitel sind Open Access erschienen:
Eine Videobeitrag zum Buch zum Political Ecology Network Workshop „Social Movements and Political Ecology”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K1W0i1UaEQ
'Social movements to contest the expansion of fossil fuel frontiers provide a vital line of defence in the struggle against runaway climate change. In this book, Jasper Finkeldey expertly combines theoretical insights about the power of fossil fuel industries with new empirical research on the way in which movements to contest coal mining and fracking in South Africa are resisting fossil fuel hegemony. The book will be of great interest to scholars and activists alike.' – Prof. Peter Newell, International Relations, University of Sussex, UK
'South Africa has gained notice on the international stage for its commitments to slow the pace of climate change. As Jasper Finkeldey demonstrates in his important new book, however, the country is dominated by powerful energy interests with every intention of boosting South Africa's fossil fuel production - at whatever risk to the planet, the local environment, and the populations living nearby. Vigorous grassroots organizations have sprung up to resist this onslaught, the book shows, but they have been overpowered by the "minerals-energy complex". His new book, Fighting Global Neo-Extractivism, is essential reading for those seeking an up-to-date account of grassroots efforts to fight the expansion of fossil fuel production.' – Prof. Michael Klare, Peace Studies, Hampshire College, USA
'Hundreds of locally-based social movements against fossil fuel extraction are learning, from their own experience and from each other; ways are being found to knit them together globally. The concept of environmental justice is central to these processes, Jasper Finkeldey concludes from his extensive research, which includes details studies of movements resisting coal mining and fracking projects in South Africa. This study will be of value both to researchers and activists.' - Simon Pirani, author of Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption, Honorary Professor at the University of Durham, UK
3.2 Artikel
Finkeldey, J., Fischer, T., Theine, H. et al. The Politics of Germany’s eco-social transformation. Z Politikwiss 34, 123–136 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41358-024-00389-3
Finkeldey, Jasper (2022) “Natural Resources and the Tipping Points of Political Power – A Research Agenda”, Sustainability, 14(22), 14721 (with Petra Dobner). https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214721
Finkeldey, Jasper (2022) “Südafrika: Der schmutzige Kampf um die Kohle“, Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 11, 29-32.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2022) 50 Jahre Grenzen des Wachstums: Eine kritische Würdigung. Berliner Debatte Initial, Vol. 33, Issue 1, S. 123-134 (zusammen mit Petra Dobner).
Finkeldey, Jasper (2021): Building a pan-European movement party: DiEM25 at the 2019 European elections . Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 21, Issue 2, S. 233-249.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2020) „Lessons from Marikana? South Africa’s sub-imperialism and the rise of Blockadia”. In: Grocott, Chris and Jo Grady (eds): The Continuing Imperialism of Free Trade. London: Routledge, S. 113-124. (Paperback-Version)
Finkeldey, Jasper (2018) „Unconventionally contentious: Frack Free South Africa’s challenge to the oil and gas industry”, The Extractive Industries and Society, Jahrgang 5, Heft 4, S. 461-468, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2018.08.006 .
Finkeldey, Jasper (2018) „Challenging the saga of corporate climate champions”, Review of: Wright, C. and D. Nyberg (2015) Climate change, capitalism, and corporations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ephemera, Jahrgang 18, Heft 4, S. 817-822.
3.3 Sonstige Publikationen
Finkeldey, Jasper (2024) "Corporate Climate Champions", In: Wafa Khlif, Coral Ingley, Thomas Clarke (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance, pp. 397-398.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2024) Ressourcenpolitik: Potentiale, Steuerungsmechanismen und Herausforderungen. POLITIKUM 1/24.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2023) "Fossil-Free Social Movements in South Africa", Institut für Strukturwandel und Nachhaltigkeit der Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Conference Proceedings "Postfossile Zukünfte: Strukturwandel gemeinsam gestalten", pp. 49-52. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.25673/103377
Finkeldey, Jasper (2021) Rezension: Goodman et al.: Beyond the Coal Rush. A Turning Point for Global Energy and Climate Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020. PERIPHERIE–Politik-Ökonomie, Kultur, Vol. 41 (Issue 162/163), 170-171.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2021): Rezension: Geoff Mann & Joel Wainwright: Climate Leviathan. A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future. PERIPHERIE–Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, Vol. 40 (Issue 159/160), 37-38.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2020): Rezension: Martín Arbeloda: Planetary Mine-Territories of Extraction under Late Capitalism, PERIPHERIE-Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur 40 (3-4), 492-494
Finkeldey, Jasper (2016) „Rezension: Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam-Power and the Roots of Global Warming von Andreas Malm.“ Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 6. Okotober 2016.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2016) „Renzension: Learning Activism: The Intellectual Life of Contemporary Social Movements von Aziz Choudry.“ Marx &Philosophy Review of Books, 12 Juni 2016.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2016) „Renzension: Ecosocialism: A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe von Michael Löwy.“ Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 21. Januar 2016.
Finkeldey, Jasper (2013) „Die agonistische Illusion? Protestbewegungen im Spiegel des Politischen nach Chantal Mouffe“, in Deutsche Nachwuchsgesellschaft für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaft (Hrsg.) „Protest und Demokratie – Politische Soziologie“, Hamburg: tredition. (mit Jasper von Alemann
3.4 Medien
MDR Wissen: Konfetti beim Klima: Was im Landtagswahlkampf versprochen wird – und was wirklich geht | MDR.DE
WDR 5 Radio: "Sie kleben schon wieder - muss das sein?", Knapp einstündiges Radiogespräch mit Hörerinnen und Hörern, 26.07.2024.
Süddeutsche Zeitung Dossier: "Mögliche Auswirkungen der Landtagswahlen auf die Klimapolitik", 21.08.2024
Süddeutsche Zeitung Dossier: "Tiefgang: Sachsen, Thüringen und ihre drei Blockade-Stellschrauben in der Nachhaltigkeitspolitik", 03.09.2024. URL: https://www.sz-dossier.de/newsletters/nachhaltigkeit/2024-09-03-thueringen-koennte-seine-vorreiterrolle-in-der-klimapolitik-verlieren
Presseartikel und Kommentare u.a. in der taz , Freitag , the European .
4. Beiträge auf Konferenzen und Tagungen
Leipziger Buchmesse, Buchpräsentation "Globale Ressourcenpolitik", 21.3.2024.
Vereinigung zur Förderung der Nutzung Erneuerbarer Energien Sachsen (VEE), Presentation "Was darf der Klimaprotest?" and Panel discussant, 6 December 2023. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv8Y9TiEcF0
Nachhaltigkeitswoche Martin-Luther-Universität, Panel: "Klimagerechtigkeit", 22 November 2023.
Evangelische Studierendengemeinde (ESG) Halle, "Politik und Anthropozän", 19 October 2023.
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft In Halle (Saale), "Was darf der Klimaprotest?", 7 July 2023.
CLICCS, University of Hamburg, Climate Protests and Social Movements, book presentation, 6 July 2023.
International Association of the Study of the Commons, University of Nairobi, "The logic of the SDGs, the logics of the commons and the reality of power", 19-24 June 2023 (with Petra Dobner).
Ringvorlesung Baustellen der Nachhaltigkeit, Universität Leipzig, "Nachhaltigkeit und Kipppunkte politischer Macht", 22 May 2023 (with Petra Dobner).
Earth System Governance Conference, University of Toronto, “German Political Power in Global Resource Politics”, 20-24 October 2022.
HALIS workshop, Institut für Strukturwandel und Nachhaltigkeit, “Fossil-Free Social Movements in South Africa”, 6-7 October 2022.
Book Launch Seminar, Political Ecology Network, Workshop on Political Ecology and Social Movements, Durban [online] “Fighting Global Neo-Extractivism”, 3 October 2022. [invited talk].
Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Frankfurt (Oder), “Will the German Zeitenwende likely bring a new resource era?“, 21-23 September 2022.
Book Launch Seminar, Mining Affected Communities United in Action, Johannesburg [online], “Fighting Global Neo-Extractivism”, 24 August 2022.
Earth System Governance conference, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, “Natural Resources and the Tipping Points of Political Power” (mit Petra Dobner), 7-9 September 2021.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Universität Magdeburg, „Fighting fossil fuels from the bottom up”, 17.-19. März 2021.
Politik von Unten Seminar, TU Berlin, „Fighting fossil fuels from the bottom up”, 9. November 2020.
European Group of Organization Studies, Universität Hamburg, „Organizing developmental politics: Ambiguities and coercion in a South African mining struggle”, 2 Juli 2020.
Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Labor Klima & Wasser, „Who rules resource frontiers? Understanding state-community relations in extractive projects in South Africa and India”, 30. April 2020.
Markets, Organisation, Society, Technology (MOST) Seminar, Universität Paris-Dauphine, „Social Movements at the Fossil Fuel Frontier”, 26. September 2019.
Association of Contemporary European Studies (UACES), Universität Lissabon, „Do Transnational Election Lists Work for European Democracy? - Explorative Evidence from the “European Spring”
in the 2019 EP’s Elections” (mit Torben Fischer), 1.-4. September 2019.
11th International Critical Management Conference, Open University, „DiEM25: a Movement and a Party. Auto-biographical notes from the European election campaign”, 27.-29. Juni 2019.
Berliner Sommer-Universität, Freie Universität Berlin, „Resource Conflicts and Social Movements in Africa“, 29. August 2018.
African Studies Research Day, Universität Leipzig, „Mobilizing the fossil fuel frontier: uneven and combined alliances in South Africa”, 25. Mai 2018.
International Conference on Alternative Futures and Popular Protest, Manchester Metropolitan University, „Unconventionally contentious: Frack Free South Africa’s challenge to the oil and gas industry”, 26.-28. März 2018.
Research Seminar, University of Exeter, „Shrinking spaces: Social Movements at the fossil fuel frontier in South Africa”, 21. März 2018.
Association for Research on Civil Society in Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, „To mine or not to mine? Social movements and the extractive industry in South Africa”, 27.-29. Juli 2017.
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, „To mine or not to mine? Social movements and the extractive industry in times of Operation Phakisa”, 30. März 2017.
Church Land Programme, Pietermaritzburg, „The extractive Industry: Current state of play”, 2. März 2017.
Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, „(No) Limits to extraction? Popular Mobilization and the Impacts of the Extractive industries in KwaZulu-Natal”, 9. Februar 2017.
World-ecology conference, University of Durham, „The post-politics of green capitalism”, 15.-16. Juli 2016.
ISA Sociology, Universität Wien, „Lessons from Marikana? South Africa’s sub-imperialism and the rise of Blockadia”, 10.-14. Juli 2016.
European Group of Organization Studies, University of Naples Federico II, „Whose stake is it anyway? Resisting coal in Northern KwaZulu-Natal”, 7.-9. Juli 2016.
Ephemera workshop, Queen Mary University, Depoliticization and the political today, „The post-politics of green capitalism: An overview”, 20 Mai 2016.
Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS London, „Lessons from Marikana? South Africa’s sub-imperialism and the rise of Blockadia”, 5.-8. November 2015.
9th Critical Management Conference, University of Leicester, „Critical Management Studies in the Global South and what Marx has to say about it”, 8.-10. Juli 2015.
10th Meeting of the World Association of Political Economy, Johannesburg, „A Marxist approach to anti-corporate struggles”, 19.-21. Juni 2015.
1st Vienna Conference on Pluralism in Economics, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, „Resisting the Corporation in the Global South and what Marx has to say about it”, 10.-12. April 2015.
5. Mitgliedschaften
- International Association on the Study of the Commons
- European Group of Organization Scholars
- Association of Contemporary European Studies
- Democracy in Europe Movement 2025
6. Lehrveranstaltungen
Wintersemester 2024/25
Vorlesung Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (mit Petra Dobner)
Politik im Anthropozän (mit Annabell Ringwald)
Sommersemester 2024
MA Regieren-Steuern-Governance
BA Eco-Social Transformation
Wintersemester 2023/24
Vorlesung Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (mit Petra Dobner, Michael Kolkmann)
Vertiefungs-Seminar: Politik im Anthropozän
Übungen Systemanalyse
Sommersemester 2023
BA-Seminar: System change, not climate change? Klimawandel und Systemanalyse
BA-Seminar: Globale Ressourcenpolitik
BA-Seminar: Planspiel Nachhaltigkeit und Entwicklung
Wintersemester 2022/23
Vorlesung: Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (mit Petra Dobner, René Wolfsteller, Michael Kolkmann)
Übungen Systemanalyse
Seminar: Politics of the Anthropocene
Sommersemester 2022 (reduziertes Lehrdeputat wegen Elternzeit)
BA-Seminar Globale Ressourcen- und Landkonflikte
Wintersemester 2021/2022
Vorlesung Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (mit Petra Dobner, René Wolfsteller, Michael Kolkmann)
BA-Seminar Politics of the Anthropocene
BA Basismodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, MLU (Übung 4)
Sommersemester 2021
BA-Seminar Energy Politics and Climate Change
BA-Seminar Social Movements and Political Protests
Wintersemester 2020/21
BA Basismodul Systemanalyse und Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, MLU (Übungen 5-8)
MA-Seminar „Corporate Social Responsibility“, MA-Level Université Paris-Dauphine
Sommersemester 2020
MA-Seminar „Organizational Behaviour and Ethics“, Université Paris-Dauphine
BA-Seminar „Political Parties in the 21st century: Organization, Leadership and Power“, Paris-Dauphine
Wintersemester 2019/2020
MA-Seminar „Corporate Social Responsibility“, MA-Level Paris-Dauphine
Sommersemester 2018
BA-Seminar „African Political Theory“, Freie Universität Berlin
Wintersemester 2017/18
BA-Seminar „Resource Conflicts and Social Movements in Africa“, Freie Universität Berlin
Wintersemester 2015/16
BA-Seminar „Organisational Behaviour“, University of Essex (4 Übungen)